Personally I'm a workaholic and I envy a lot the category of people that do not work. Because they do not work, they never make mistakes so they never get blamed for any problem. All they do is pass the job on my dish and, they are sure it will get done. Fries with that?!The funny thing is that in case the company decides to cut of on people, the ones that stay are the ones that do nothing and they keep doing nothing by saying that there are no resources, and there is too much work load to handle!!! I do not understand how some companies stay above the water. But than again, if everyone was like me, companies would function with less people and the level of un-employment would be high, so we get to other problems.
As a women in technology, I do feel that the word of a man weights more than the word of a woman. Maybe because we take a lot of responsibilities, work always in multi-tasking status and sometimes we do mess up. Man are the ones that experiment with our results, the ones that decide if we messed up or we finally managed to do something right for once! A woman can go nuts or can start become numb. If you go nuts, than you are suggested to use Yoga to bring down the tension within your system. If you go numb, you are asked to step up. So there are times when we are nuts and after a while we become numb and then we go nuts again. All these waves, make the heart diseases in women higher than in men. So women die before men. That means, that there are a lot of men that get rich from the life insurance money they get when their wives pass away.

In a nutshell, women work a lot, get blamed a lot and men pick up all the fruits. So if you are a man, better go to work as you will be promoted and get rich. If you are a women, try to dress up and look always nice as otherwise you will be mistaken for a donkey!