Last night, on my way home, my car stalled on Gardener, just didn't want to go. I discovered that the variety of honks on the cars around me was very wide! Luckily, I was able to start the car, exit Gardener, park at the parking lot of an Anglican church (was empty and free to park :)), called road assistance and watched my car being towed away to my dealership from a red pickup truck! The driver of the cab I took to get home was 52, had 9 children with 4 different mommies and was expecting another one from his 6-th wife. I went home and had 2 Advils!
All this on the day of our 4-th wedding anniversary! I just feel like the main character on a British comedy!
This just hasn't been my week. Needles to say, I'm just staying home today.
Yeaaah, yeaah.. I hear you... "My beautiful new car" just let me down! All I can think is "Must be running Vista"! :)
Have a great Thanksgiving guys!