A man gave blood and as a thank you, they gave him a car. He was very happy and called his friends and told about the car. After a while, he went and gave blood again and they gave him a bigger car. He called his friend again and happily told him. Third time he gave blood, he got a huge car. Excited he told his friend again. One day, his son was sick and he called his friend " Can you come and drive my son to hospital with your car?" His friend, surprised replied "Don't you have 3 big cars?". He forgot to tell his friend that the cars they were giving him were toy cars.
So, the guy in the radio show, said that Africa is like this man that has given blood and has been payed with toy cars. It is time for Africa to ask for "real cars". Countried like UK, France, Holland, USA are just taking Africa's blood and are not helping to make things better. Africa is still far from being prosper. He said that China was the only friend Africa has right now. China and Brasil are countries that have been in the same situation and are telling the truth to Africa. They are the friends that Africa should be listening to and take as example. The others are just paying africa with "toy cars".
I was thinking for a second how would Africa and Africans be if they are put in China and must work/behave like Chinese. I can't imagine it for the life of me. A typical African man and a typical Chinese man, are quite different. Maybe Chinese are example for Africa, but I believe the circumstances of China and Africa make a whole difference in how a standard is executed when considering the differences. Anyway, I don't think I have all the historical/geographical/financial and political knowledge to support my theory here, so I will not go any further.
All I want to remember is "Ask for the real car!"