When I grew up, I remember watching a movie called "The million dollar cheque" with Cary Grant I believe. At that time, 1M was something enormous, really life changing and moved you to the "Millionaire Club" right away. Looking on how much the money has depreciated, 1M now is not as meaningful as then. If someone that has a decent job and life wins 1 M, they will not have enough reasons to quit working. It will for sure help sort out some financial bottle neck situations, but the salary is still necessary to come every month. But, what does it really take nowadays to go the next day at work and say "I QUIT" and never look back again?
So I started thinking and considering everything around me. The win must be big enough. It has to cover for the new bigger house (that off course will require a maid to take care), different cars and probably more than one per each of us, better (read: more expensive) school for the kid, a higher life standard (read: more expensive clothes and accessories) and more vacations/trips around the World. On the other side, we must help our immediate family and friends with at least 1M. Some of the money need to be invested in order to cover for the yearly income, let's say about 100K per year. A cottage and/or beach house would be requested as well and with that a boat. At the end, I came to the conclusion, that only if I win 22M, I would go to my manager and say "I quit right here, right now" and not regret the decision. Come to think of it, wining only 1M, is more of a curse than luck because it will make you think that you can have a higher life standard when in reality you might end up with new debts because of that, which will kick you out of the "Millionaire club". Not sure if there are still "Millionaire clubs" out there, and if they really are all divorced, single or just "on the side" looking for companions on special matchmaking website services, just for their rank. I hear that there are some areas on big cities, where even if you have the money to buy a house with a certain zip code, you are not accepted if you won the money from lottery. You must have earned that money or it must have been inherited to you. At the beginning, I was a bit confused with that, but I guess I understand. They want to keep high not just the quality of their area but even their life in general, from every aspect of it. Which means, that even if I win 22M, I am still unable to change my zip code to some fancy one. Only to a decent one. But I think I can live with that. I think I can live with everything I planned to do if I win 22M. I will not stay home all day twiddling my thumbs. I will volunteer, I will follow up on things that I want to do but never found time or came to high priority. I can imagine myself doing that life and I do not mind it.
There are religions that do not bless the money won by lottery tickets or gambling because they are not won by work. There are beliefs that money changes people for bad, and sometimes I have to admit it when I see on TV rich people being cou-cou. There are so many emotional situations that make you say "All I want is good health" and then money comes in second place, and I do understand that.
But knowing it all, accepting and understand it all, I would still like to win 22M. Maybe I will be the person that will tell others "I was happier before" but I want to see it and feel it, at least once.
This is the Chinese year of Rabbit. Out of pure habit, I went and checked the predictions for my sign for this year. There was an option that based on the birthday and birth hour, you could get more specific about your sign and elements around it. I checked that and I found that, from 1 till 31 years old, I would NOT have the Luck on my side. Well, that explains a lot!. And then, from 32 to 91 years old I will NOT have the Luck and Wealth on my side. BUT, after 92 years old, the Luck was on my side. The only thing that came in my mind was the song of Morrisette:
don't you think
It's like rain
on your wedding day
it's a free ride
when you already paid"
And the story ends: keep working and saving, but wouldn't hurt to dream once in a while that I can be a millionaire, is just that I have to live to 92 years old. By then, someone would have killed me for living too long and bothering people around.