What really bothers me is the fact that my daughter will not remember how I look now. She will always turn on to the pictures and look at them to see how her mom looked when was young. And she will see my awful pictures, she will see how bad/ugly/shapeless I look. And that's all she will have as reference. Maybe she will not be proud to show the pictures of her mom around. Maybe she will be let down to think that at some point she will look like me .. like me in that picture... and that will affect her self confidence and will make her worry about being skinny more than she should, have always makeup on to make her eyes look better, be conscious of her best side for pictures and have always the same smile and pose on all pictures.
When I see the pictures of my mom, I find her pretty but I can't say I find her elegant. She has a classy nose, pretty lips, wavy hair and she looks good on pictures. She knows that. A lot of time I have heard her say that she is photogenic. And in the same amount of times I have heard her saying that my dad is not photogenic, followed by a sad note..."An you are like your dad, you are not photogenic either!". So, my daughter might end up thinking that her grandma was prettier than her mom!
It sounds like it is not something important but think about it.
- You will have a lot of pictures during your teenage years, with your friends. You might be one of the cool/hot girls at school, but nobody will notice you if they see a picture of your classmates from the prom night. You will not be remembered when people will go back to see that picture, 20 years after.
- You will have a lot of pictures on your wedding day. You have a pretty dress that you chose after shopping dozen of stores. You have someone that spends time with your hair and with your makeup. You have a whole bunch of girls and women around that make sure you look good from all angles. You think you are beautiful, gorgeous, a real princess! An then you see the pictures and you hate the wedding day. Everyone else looks better than you.. better than the bride!! You want to rip all the wedding pictures.
- You have your first child and all you want is to make pictures with her/him, a lot of pictures. You have already hundreds of pictures during pregnancy, showing the belly in different corners. But now the baby is out and you start making pictures together. "Here is 1 minutes after birth". "Here is 2 hours old". "Here is 1 day old". And in all those pictures you look awful. If you do not look pretty on your wedding pictures, imagine how bad you look after birth, when you are in your worst, feels like you have been in a battle and have a lot of wounds all around your body.
These are all pictures that are shown over and over in your life. Even if you ripped one of them, someone else might have it and will bring it back in your life at some point to remind you how awful you looked at that time of your life.
I am not photogenic and people will not remember me as a pretty girl/women. All I have to work on is my humour, my behaviour, my type, my personality. At least, my daughter will say "This is my mom and when we took this picture, she said: SMIIIILEEE!"
This picture is from one of my favourite movies, Amelie