Fact: 2 million (and change) people have been registered in Second Life

So what is happening? Some do not want to be in this world at all and some need another life as this one is not enough. I don't know which group surprises me the most, but they are both very interesting!
The hidden ones are people that for some reasons do not want to face the world and they choose to stay in their rooms while parents bring them food so they can live. Some are there because they have been bullied at school, some are because the everyday life is very stressful for them. Some are able to do things like draw or write, but some are completely dependent on their parents, so much that if parents die, they will probably die from starvation as well. This is very big problem in Japan but they are trying to keep it hush-hush, ignore it and not do much to fix it.

The double ones are people that have a profile in the Second life and spend there a good part of their real life. There are different reason to have a Second Life profile, or properly called Avatar. Some want to be Anonymous and dare to live a different life from the one they live every day. It can be that they want to look different, behave differently, do other jobs, buy things that can't buy, have sex like they can't have, play games that they can't play. There are others that are not worried about the identity and are there for experimental reasons. They want to see how their ideas can work without investing money (or maybe just a little), they want to become millionaires (the first one made it by selling real state, like a virtual Donald Trump!), they want to open stores or expand business (there are some big companies that have their virtual offices there and can help you with their services).
Which life do you want?
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