A TE (Jovanotti) A te che sei l’unico al mondo L’unica ragione per arrivare fino in fondo Ad ogni mio respiro Quando ti guardo Dopo un giorno pieno di parole Senza che tu mi dica niente Tutto si fa chiaro A te che mi hai trovato All’ angolo coi pugni chiusi Con le mie spalle contro il muro Pronto a difendermi Con gli occhi bassi Stavo in fila Con i disillusi Tu mi hai raccolto come un gatto E mi hai portato con te A te io canto una canzone Perche non ho altro Niente di meglio da offrirti Di tutto quello che ho Prendi il mio tempo E la magia Che con un solo salto Ci fa volare dentro all’aria Come bollicine A te che sei Semplicemente sei Sostanza dei giorni miei Sostanza dei giorni miei A te che sei il mio grande amore Ed il mio amore grande A te che hai preso la mia vita E ne hai fatto molto di più A te che hai dato senso al tempo Senza misurarlo A te che sei il mio amore grande Ed il mio grande amore A te che io Ti ho visto piangere nella mia mano Fragile che potevo ucciderti Stringendoti un po’ E poi ti ho visto Con la forza di un aeroplano Prendere in mano la tua vita E trascinarla in salvo A te che mi hai insegnato i sogni E l’arte dell’avventura A te che credi nel coraggio E anche nella paura A te che sei la miglior cosa Che mi sia successa A te che cambi tutti i giorni E resti sempre la stesso A te che sei Semplicemente sei Sostanza dei giorni miei Sostanza dei sogni miei A te che sei Essenzialmente sei Sostanza dei sogni miei Sostanza dei giorni miei A te che non ti piaci mai E sei una meraviglia Le forze della natura si concentrano in te Che sei una roccia sei una pianta sei un uragano Sei l’orizzonte che mi accoglie quando mi allontano A te che sei l’unico amico L’unico amore che vorrei Se io non ti avessi con me a te che hai reso la mia vita bella da morire, che riesci a render la fatica un' immenso piacere, a te che sei il mio grande amore ed il mio amore grande, a te che hai preso la mia vita e ne hai fatto molto di più, a te che hai dato senso al tempo senza misurarlo, a te che sei il mio amore grande ed il mio grande amore, a te che sei, semplicemente sei, sostanza dei giorni miei, sostanza dei sogni miei... e a te che sei, semplicemente sei, compagno dei giorni miei...sostanza dei giorni miei | TO YOU (Jovanotti) To you that are unique in the World The only reason to go to the end in every breath of mine When I see you after a day full of words without you saying anything all gets clear To you that have found me at the corner with closed fists With my shoulders against the wall Ready to defend myself With eyes looking down I was in line with the disappointed ones You picked me like a cat And took me with you To you I sing a song Because I have nothing better to give to you From everything I have take my time and the magic that with only one jump makes us fly in the air like bubbles To you that are Simply are The substance of my days The substance of my days To you that are my big love And the big love of mine To you that have taken my life And have done a lot more with it To you that have given meaning to time without measuring it To you that are my big love And the big love of mine To you that I have seen you crying in my hand Fragile that I could have killed you squeezing you a little bit And then I have seen you with the power of an airplane taking your life in your hands and move it where is safe To you that have taught me the dreams and the art of adventures To you that believe in courage and in the fear too To you that are the best thing that has happened to me To you that change all the days and stay always the same To you that are Simply are The substance of my days The substance of my dreams To you that are Essentially are The substance of my days The substance of my days To you that don’t like yourself But you are a miracle The powers of nature are inside you You are a rock, are a plant, Are a hurricane Are the horizon that invites me when I go away To you that are the only friend The only love I would want if I wouldn’t have you with me To you that have made my life so beautiful, that can make the fatigue be an immense pleasure, To you that are my big love And the big love of mine To you that have taken my life And have done a lot more with it To you that have given meaning to time Without measuring it To you that are my big love And the big love of mine To you that are Simply are The substance of my days The substance of my days To you that are Simply are The partner of my days The substance of my days |
Friday, September 19, 2008
To You
Monday, September 15, 2008
He says, She says
World needs strong men but they must be able to control their strength. A sharp knife that cuts a thin slice of bread is a good knife until it it put in our throat. Same with a strong man. Women are peace and logic. If I have to find a comparison with the knife, woman are like the sword of a Samurai that comes out only when necessary.
Well, here is the song, I'll leave it up to you to decide.
Xavier Naidoo Alle Männer müssen kämpfen Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen sagten sie mir Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen Das sag ich nur Dir. Viele Menschen werden sterben. Und ich bet ich wär nicht dabei Viele Männer werden sterben Und wenn's mich trifft hoff ich Du verzeihst Keiner weiss wer die Schlacht gewinnt Pass gut auf Dich auf und auf das ungeborene Kind Ich weiss noch nicht ob ich Dich wieder seh Auch weiss ich nicht, ob ich im Kampf besteh Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen sagten sie mir Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen Das sag ich nur Dir. Viele Menschen werden sterben. Und ich bet ich wär nicht dabei Viele Männer werden sterben Und wenn's mich trifft hoff ich Du verzeihst Ich warte Hier bis Du wiederkehrst Ich Glaube fest, dass Du Dich dem tod verwehrst Du wirst dein kind in meinen Armen sehen Denn Ich glaube fest, dass wir das überstehen Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen sagten sie mir Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen Das sag ich nur Dir. Viele Menschen werden sterben. Und ich bet ich wär nicht dabei Viele Männer werden sterben Und wenn's mich trifft hoff ich Du verzeihst Ich seh Dich an und ich glaub daran der krieg ist vorbei, ihrgendwann dann kehre ich wieder heim zu Frau und Kind Ich fände Euch, wär ich auch Taub und Blind Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen sagten sie mir Alle Männer müssen Kämpfen Das sag ich nur Dir. Viele Menschen werden sterben. Und ich bet ich wär nicht dabei Viele Männer werden sterben Und wenn's mich trifft hoff ich Du verzeihst Viele Männer werden sterben Ich muss Dich wiedersehen, ich muss dich wiedersehen. Der Krieg ist vorbei | Xavier Naidoo All men must fight (translated by Uwe) All men must fight they said to me “All men must fight” that is what I say now to you. Many humans will die and I do pray that I am not amongst the dead. Many men will die and if I will die I hope you will forgive. Nobody knows who wins the battle. Take care for you and on the unborn child. I do not know yet whether I see you again Also I do not know if I can survive the battle. All men must fight they said to me “All men must fight” that is what I say now to you. Many humans will die and I do pray that I am not amongst the dead. Many men will die and if I will die I hope you will forgive. (female voice) I wait here to you return I faith firmly, that you refuse yourself from death. You will see your child in my arms because I believe firmly that we get over that all. All men must fight they said to me “All men must fight” that is what I say now to you. Many humans will die and I do pray that I am not amongst the dead. Many men will die and if I will die I hope you will forgive. I see into your eyes and I believe that the war is past; sometimes you will turn again home to woman and child. I would find you, even when I would be deaf and blind. All men must fight they said to me “All men must fight” that is what I say now to you. Many humans will die and I do pray that I am not amongst the dead. Many men will die and if I will die I hope you will forgive. Many men will die. I have to see you again. I have to see you again The war is over |

Monday, September 8, 2008
Leadership in Agenda

There is some pages of the book where you will get hooked at the book. Find them here.
Was interesting guy, i liked how he spoke and the tone of his voice. Here a quick resume of the interview:
Great leaders are developed more than born.
Churchill was not a good leader until the war started so he got on top in the right context. If he had died earlier than the war, he wouldn't have gone down in history as a great leader. After war he was voted out because he was not the best leader to build the new England
Hitler was a good leader in the first decade but a bad person, so being a good or bad leader doesn't necessarily means they are good or bad people.
Bush is a decisioning decisive leader and if he keeps being decisive in the wrong direction he keeps making wrong decisions
Japanese leaders are not charismatics leaders and US and Canada leader are more and try more to be emotional. They must be able to reach out people, touch different levels of people and classes, have emotional intelligence
Now days we have mix leaders, old fashion (Zimbabwe) that give order and all follow, or the new type of giving order and cascade down
Best example of a leader today is Tony Blair, he draw people and rejuvenated his Party
Obama is good at that but maybe not sufficient to win elections
Leader is distributed in Democratic society, local schools, Party, reach out others, empower others and this is the kind of the leader now. Same in business :I'll give the order and you follow : is not sufficient anymore.
Contextual intelligence is important
The most disappointing leader is Nixon failed with emotional intelligence, was ahead of his time but no emotional intelligence, talks with kids and different people
If people will disagree with a leader, but he is able to work and reach them out, they might listen to him
Obama and McKain: who has better leader skills? - We don't know yet how can they lead large organizations, they come from different backgrounds and have made their way in different strategies
Obama has the ability to speak and reach out , he had the best speech in race since Luther King days. McKain can't give a speech to save his life
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Just a song I had in mind today
GelosiaAdriano CelentanoNon ho nessuno a parte te | JealousyAdriano CelentanoDon't know anyone else |