There is some pages of the book where you will get hooked at the book. Find them here.
Was interesting guy, i liked how he spoke and the tone of his voice. Here a quick resume of the interview:
Great leaders are developed more than born.
Churchill was not a good leader until the war started so he got on top in the right context. If he had died earlier than the war, he wouldn't have gone down in history as a great leader. After war he was voted out because he was not the best leader to build the new England
Hitler was a good leader in the first decade but a bad person, so being a good or bad leader doesn't necessarily means they are good or bad people.
Bush is a decisioning decisive leader and if he keeps being decisive in the wrong direction he keeps making wrong decisions
Japanese leaders are not charismatics leaders and US and Canada leader are more and try more to be emotional. They must be able to reach out people, touch different levels of people and classes, have emotional intelligence
Now days we have mix leaders, old fashion (Zimbabwe) that give order and all follow, or the new type of giving order and cascade down
Best example of a leader today is Tony Blair, he draw people and rejuvenated his Party
Obama is good at that but maybe not sufficient to win elections
Leader is distributed in Democratic society, local schools, Party, reach out others, empower others and this is the kind of the leader now. Same in business :I'll give the order and you follow : is not sufficient anymore.
Contextual intelligence is important
The most disappointing leader is Nixon failed with emotional intelligence, was ahead of his time but no emotional intelligence, talks with kids and different people
If people will disagree with a leader, but he is able to work and reach them out, they might listen to him
Obama and McKain: who has better leader skills? - We don't know yet how can they lead large organizations, they come from different backgrounds and have made their way in different strategies
Obama has the ability to speak and reach out , he had the best speech in race since Luther King days. McKain can't give a speech to save his life
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