Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A flower in snow

I read somewhere this: How fleeting love is, how long - oblivion!
Something went "knock-knock" inside me and I just had to write. Was a delicate, fragile and very fine feeling that I thought only poetry can handle it with the care it needs.

Warming up
Here I go
with a small poetry
I am not good with rhymes
So be gentle with me

Longing and you

To forget you
I had to do it on my own
I had to re-dream without you
Avoid being alone

I knew where you were
A quick ride would take me there
But puzzled you would ask me
“What are you doing here?!”

You didn’t know I needed you
I couldn't tell how I wanted you
Inside me longing was flourishing
I could only admit that I missed you

You had conquested my mind and memory
For myself I had to erect a small cage
Everyone but you was in there
Was crowdy and noisy, but I felt safe

The cage will maybe feel bigger
While slowly everybody will get older
But You, keep running in my memory,
it’s beautiful
I do not really want this to be over


Monday, September 20, 2010

Am I scary?

In the last year and a half, I have lost 3 friends for un-known/un-explained reasons.

1- Old special friend that couldn't be a lot in touch but friends in Facebook and once in a while phone calls. All of a sudden, I noticed I wasn't his friend anymore on Facebook and even though I sent a message to see if that was by mistake, I did not get answer back. That means that, he really un-friended me from Facebook.

2-A new friend. Very unique person on the way he thinks and interprets the World around. We were friends for some months, very open, transparent, there was no need to lie or pretend to be someone else. All of a sudden, he didn't want to be friend with me anymore and now, when we see each-other, we salute a very cold "Hi".

3-An ex-boyfriend. We had lost touch for years and finally found each-other on Facebook. Wrote back and forth for a while. Had invitations to visit his city and be treated like a princess. Off course I didn't accept it because was not the right time in my life to do that. One day, I noticed he had un-friended me.

Is it me? Why do I see these guys erasing my name from their list of friends and hear nothing back?
Don't you think is only fair to at least provide some feedback to me, so I can see where my problem is and improve?
If they think I am not worth it the friendship, is this the way you break-up with friends now? You just stop talking, writing, calling and the other person is supposed to understand why all this?
Or is it that I am sort of boring and there is nothing interesting coming from me to spice their desire to stay in touch with me?
Am I too cold or too bubbly? Am I too silly or too rigid? Am I too superficial or too deep?

Or maybe has nothing to do with me...is just they need less noise in their lives.

I have the feeling, someone else is about to do the same thing soon. Should I ask him now, before he disappears and leaves me without a way to get an answer?

Don't know and can't explain. All I can ask is: Feedback please and Thank you!