Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A flower in snow

I read somewhere this: How fleeting love is, how long - oblivion!
Something went "knock-knock" inside me and I just had to write. Was a delicate, fragile and very fine feeling that I thought only poetry can handle it with the care it needs.

Warming up
Here I go
with a small poetry
I am not good with rhymes
So be gentle with me

Longing and you

To forget you
I had to do it on my own
I had to re-dream without you
Avoid being alone

I knew where you were
A quick ride would take me there
But puzzled you would ask me
“What are you doing here?!”

You didn’t know I needed you
I couldn't tell how I wanted you
Inside me longing was flourishing
I could only admit that I missed you

You had conquested my mind and memory
For myself I had to erect a small cage
Everyone but you was in there
Was crowdy and noisy, but I felt safe

The cage will maybe feel bigger
While slowly everybody will get older
But You, keep running in my memory,
it’s beautiful
I do not really want this to be over


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