Wednesday, November 17, 2010

1973 was just the start

My birthday just passed, for the 37th time. Sometimes is a bit sad, like this song of Blunt.

The most beautiful message I received was "You are more beautiful inside and out than from the first day I met you" ... ironically was not from my husband :)) Got 100 messages from 100 people wishing me to become 100 years older. Could have been more, I missed some.
The last message was "Hope you feel realized". All I can do is try to achieve more and more from what I would like to realize. Happy Birthday to me!!


atidra said...

Thanks for the birthday! Now I feel bad for not sending a note on your birthday. I didn't forget it but didn't know if I could write

Anonymous said...

Don't feel're a good person inside, and sometimes I think everyone knows it except you. Be happy and live long.

atidra said...

I hope one day I will understand you in a mathematical way, where 1+1=2 and all is clear. Until then...