Thursday, December 27, 2007
Woman and Power
What do we have to do to open the eyes of people so they can see what is good and bad, right and wrong, forward and backward? Is it because she was a woman or because she was modern on her opinions and the way she looked at the future? Maybe the combination, I think!
I am afraid of where the World is going. Extremists are becoming normal, acceptable and present. Islamic extremists, pro Bush extremists, anti-women extremists....I don't know anymore! I just don't like extremists of any kind. Why do we have to KILL to promote our ideas? Where are the wise men and women that with words can cool down World Wars, that are not hungry for money and power but actually think about World Peace? Why do they have to hide, be especially protected, be told to shut up and then gunned down? There are so many idiots out there that talk, scream, push and get rich and nobody kills them for wasting natural resources?
In the same time, America has to vote and choose between a woman and a black man for future president. What's going to be? If the woman will be elected, will Islamics kill her as well? If the black man is elected, will white men and women kill him? And the one that would have made so many people happy if he was killed, in my opinion, is only the existing Mr. President!
Sleep in heavenly Peace
Sleep in heavenly Peace
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Boxing day
Monday, December 24, 2007
Garden State

I left Toronto on Friday to go and visit my cousin that lives in New Jersey. The airplane that was supposed to come and pick us up, for some un-explained reasons turned back on half way so they send another plane for all the people that were left here. It took 3 and half hours to finally get on the plain and fly for 1 hour. Such a short trip that there was not enough time to finish the small peanut pack they give you along with a juice. Arrived there and got a cab, the driver had no idea where was the place I was going. Luckily, I had checked the map on Googles one night before and I was able to direct him right at the door step. At the end he turned and asked me, Have you been here before?, and said No, I just looked at the map last night. With his very strong african accent, he turned and said to me , You are a smart woman, believe me! Yes I am, I told him and smiled. Believe it or not, that was the best moment of the day. Got in my cousins apartment and find out that she had moved to Code Red-Emergency Level One. The only place she hadn't called yet was Police. Told her that airplane was late but she was worried that a taxi driver might have kidnaped me on the way to her. She also forced me to call my husband right away and then, she came and gave me a hug and said "Welcome"! My daughter was a surprise to her, she never thought my girl would be so pretty! (I kind of took that as a personal offense but it's not worth it to think such a things if you know my cus') After a lot of laud talking and laughing and big-bear hugs, my daughter got so sick that she started vomiting and it didn't end till 2 o'clock in the morning. Changed her 4 times from head to toe, bathed her 2 times, run to the bathroom 6 times and spend a lot of time cleaning one of the couches. When finally we decided to sleep, heard a big "BANG" at the front door of the building (she is the superintendent of the building and lives at the first floor, very close by the door). The police showed up before I said "What the f*** was that" and they asked if everything is fine. The front of the building was covered by police man searching with torches for something, there was a Rescue Unit and the street was blocked for 2 blocks so no one could driver there, just walk. By 3 in the morning, her husband came home as well (he works in evening hours) and we had had time to talk, guess about what could have happened, rumor all other cousins and said more than 20 times, Let's go sleep now!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I'ts De-cember
Another sign of Christmas is that you start getting mail from people that write to you only for Christmas, kind of "hey, we don't hang out together but I do think of you!!" You get invited to parties from people that you know very little and you start thinking, why did they invite me?
I have to do shopping, write cards, mail the packages and mail the cards. It's such a pain in the ass but if I don't do it, no one will!
Your friends start making their own web cards with their faces and with animations like elves or jingle bells and fill your e-mail box up to the point that you get e-mails from the IT department to remind you that your e-mail box is over the limit size!
They also send you gifts, where 60% is chocolate, 30% candles and 10% other.
All the shows on Tv go to repeats because the actors or presenters go on vacations.
But one thing that I like at the end of each year is the Victoria's Secret fashion show! Now, I like guys, there is no doubt about that, but those girls are steamy! I watched the show couple of night ago and was just grrrrreat!
So based on all of these, I have to admit that Christmas is the most depressing time of the year! I get sad and become picky on what I like to do. Mostly because I have about 2 weeks off from work and I don't get to go home to my parents. Also, just staying home, eat and watch tv or old movies doesn't work well for me. I probably have to start playing on-line games or just the XBox with my husband so we get closer with each-other :) I guess I need friends and family around to keep me busy so I don't have time to start thinking about my old friends and the time when I had things to do during one year, I just locked myself up in my room to finish this puzzle with 2000 pieces on January 1st. The idea was that I was pissed with my boyfriend and I didn't want to meet him. I knew he was outside waiting for me to get out and come and talk to me so I had to stay home. But at home my mom would become suspicious as why was I staying home (I never did!) so I started the puzzle and I said that I wanted to finish it. She knows I love puzzles so kind of left me alone. But I had some friends calling or coming to visit me at home so wasn't bad :)
Last year I volunteered to have Christmas party at my house and that kind of made me moving as I had to prepare for 30 guests. At the end I really had fun and loved it to have the house full with friends but this year I felt kind of lazy so I let another friend take over. It will be a house warming/ Christmas party as they just moved to another house. Also, a friend from States is coming for one week to visit people here and I am exited to meet him again. He promised he will find time to have a lunch with me someday during the week, just to catch up. I might drive to New Jersey to meet my cousin that haven't seen in a while. Like to drive there with my lovely Volvina, but everyone is telling me that I would be crazy to do that, so I will see about airplane.
I'm such a Grinch!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Peace after War
See, I am not that nice! I can get angry with people for much less, so for example, I got a letter at the door 2 days ago telling me that there was a package shipped for me and since they didn't found me home, they send this package to one of the mail centers. The problem is that they send it to this center that is about 30 minutes drive from where I live. So I call them and ask them to bring the package from the far away center to one that is very close to me. The girl typed a lot of stuff for about 10 minutes and at the end she gave me this confirmation number. And when I come home today, I find another letter at my door telling me that the package is still at the far away center waiting for me to pick up!!! I call and I was hoping it was a problem as it really should have been to the center close to me. Nope, not a mistake, the guy really didn't read at all all the notes the girl wrote for him but just kept the package back. Because it is Friday, the chance to have the packaged moved to the close center was Monday! Very angry I decide to drive to that place and just pick it up myself. Get there and the guy looks at the letter and tells me that it will be available at 7 pm ( was 6:30) off course I started telling him how incompetent his pairs are, idiots that don't know how to read and I was kind of glad there were some other people there to hear how much that postage service sucks! Waited there for 30 minutes, my daughter started crying and I didn't bother myself at all. At 7 pm the guy goes to the back office and I get in the front desk again and started ringing the bell they had there. The guy came back and asked for all the things he needed, asked me also to sign and passed the thing to sign to me like I was going to fetch it, very rude! Well, I did the same, sign it as bad as I could and just push it to him. I am so angry with these idiots that are not capable to read notes, have very little school, but work for some sort of Union, have a steady salary and just think they are someone!! I can't have the Japanese attitude and be cool, I am hot blood and I want to make sure that someone will pay off my anger! Is it bad? Maybe, but I am not the kind of person that gives you the other cheek if you slap me. Nope, I will very much want to brake your nose and hear you being hurt! Something is going on, even the palm reader (at the work's Halloween party) told me that I am a nice person but I will toughen up as I get older because I will realize that life is tough. Maybe I am getting older and tougher. It is in human nature to be angry and let it out. Look at this picture and tell me that we should not be angry! And by the way, is not my kid!