This is a show hosted on National Canadian channels at night time. The guy usually picks up interesting themes to discuss. Sometimes I like to listen, sometimes they are boring for me. Tonight he had "What's love got to do with it" and then after that "The secret of happiness".

On the first one there were 4 people, two professors, one matchmaker and one scientist for match making. The whole thing falled into comparing India with Western. In India, marriages are arranged, in Western people want romantic love right away. In India, people get married and then fall in love, in Western peopel fall in love and then get married. One of the guys said that the Western love is more of a lust while in India, love comes after a long period when people have lived together and learned how to live together. At the end, they all agreed that is the guy that takes teh check in any part of the World. You can go and check, about 70 questions that might tell you something about yourself.
On the second discussion, the speaker was Arthur Brooks, a professor that just wrote a book about happines and that has been the reason he has been happy lately. He compared different religions, political belifes and geographics. Americans, althought they live to work, they were happier than French that work to live. Looks like in North America you have more options to have the job you like and that makes you happy. While in Europe this is not the case so people work jobs they do not like and that doesn't help to make them happy. And since people that are happy live longer, the average of North Americans that are happy with their jobs live longer than Europeans. Also, religion is one thing that brings happiness but is more into the people that practise religion than others that do not. Alos, Conservatives looks like to be happier than Liberals, based on what the basis of your life style is and what are you looking for. But being an extreme Liberal or extreme Conservative, they are happy equaly. This is because they have no doubts they are right! The bad thing is that they try to bring their extreme beliefes to others and make them un-happy! Go check
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