Tuesday, July 8, 2008

1780 km

Last week I had one week off, forced vacation from my employer. Everyone had to take one week off so was good to go back, because there was not a lot of work piled up waiting for me.
So I had a plan to go for a trip to Montreal, first with my husband, then he was busy so a couple of girls from work planned to come with me and then at the very last moment, they bailed so I was left alone to go with my daughter. So I called the parents of my best friend. They are retired and bored, nothing to do, but they like to travel. So they jumped right in and they tagged with me alone to Montreal. Was better than I thought. Her father sat in the front seat and kept me busy with conversations and stories all the time. Her mother sat behind with my daughter and helped by giving her whatever she wanted to eat or drink or play with. At the very last minute, I booked a condominium with 2 bedrooms that worked perfect for our setup. Was a very nice place, the owner had done a very good job with renovations and decorations. There were some good places to eat around. Had the chance to meet two friends I have there and that was good because I got to see around places that only people that live there know. On the way back, we went to Ottawa for lunch time and spent there about 3 hours there. For dinner we stopped at the beginning of 1000 Islands and had a nice meal at the restaurant that was the closest to the lake. Sitting there we made plans for our next trip, where to go and what to visit. I ended up getting back home 3 days later at 11:30 pm.
The next day I left at noon to go to the beach. Better say to a small place close to a beach where another friend of mine lives. She is 9 months and 5 days pregnant. Her first child is 2 so was a good company for my daughter. We had fun but was all the time under the panic that she might scream for Hospital at any moment, which was fine to end up her pain. The beach was nice, I am sun burned because didn't feel the Sun that came to me mixed with a nice breeze. At night was cold, so cold that you needed a thick blanket on. Came back home Sunday at 7:30 pm, tired, sun burned, my car stinked and had a lot of sand, my car was counting 1780 km more than last week, but I was feeling good.
I was happy that I made it to leave and forget about work, about being constantly on email, about dragging with me everywhere the work problems. I went back to work next day and had no clean clothes to wear but a dress. Had a lot of phone calls and emails but didn't seem that bad. My head was much lighter!!

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