My first training was from work and about Leadership. Was in a very nice hotel/resort, with very good food and I was in good company. The training was fun and I was myself in a lot of way, there was no need to lie or fake who I was and at the end, I found out that people like me for who I am. One thing I learned is to be more sophisticated and the tool I decided to use to do that is to keep my mouth shut more. Lately i find myself speaking a lot, something that I haven't done before. I have no idea why do I have this need to talk so much but I know I have to put it on leash.
The second training was not from work. I found it myself and I thought is a very good one to help me with the career change I want to do. I registered for the training to be in a place less than a kilometer from where I live bur because they didn't have enough people registered for that location, I had to actually go to Pennsylvania for that. I was the only Canadian in a class with 9 students and one teacher. The place was not good at all, especially if compared with the hotel from the previous training. The food was horrible, so bad that I almost starved. I went to buy some food I could eat and I got apples, carrots and some low calorie Granola bars. The low calorie on the bars was not done by removing the high calorie ingredients but by cutting the size of the bar. I meet some nice people with whom I hang around after classes. Things that made me think from that week were the fact they were all overweight and I felt thin like a ballerina for the first time in my life. Although they seemed to be average smart, they like Sarah Palin because "She is nice". I had to bite my tong to not start a conversation with them about her.
The bad thing about leaving for a while is that when you are back at work, you realize that the others have been working meanwhile and now you have to deal with 1000 unread messages in your mailbox.

One of the huge problems lately is the fact that the Economy is going down without any safety wire behind. This has affected my company as well by freezing on hiring. You would think this is ok as long as I still have a job. But on the other side, they go and buy a bundle of products from the competition and serve it to us as a good thing. I guess the company is doing well but there will be some people loosing their jobs.
At my work, every Halloween, we have a party and one of the things in the party is the Pumpkin carving competition. My team has been winning for the last 2 years and we are under a lot of pressure to win again so we are having meeting after meeting to decide on what is going to be and how can we realize that. You have no idea how much of technical skills you need for this competition. Let's hope we win again!
Tonight I meet a friend that doesn't live here but back home. She is here visiting. She started a conversation regarding couples that are from different countries and cultures. Another of my friends agreed with her. So both of them were under the impression that a couple that is made by people from different countries and cultures argue a lot about small things while couples from the same country and culture argue about important things. By this, it is better to be married with someone from your country. It might be true but I am not ok when it comes to marry guys from my country. Hmmmm.... I don't know. I remember a friend of mine (not from here) saying that girls from where he comes from are even better in bed (on top of being better in other things). Maybe we do want what is like us, even when it comes with problems.
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