Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Because there is someone

Yesterday, a friend called me. The friend told me that I should join Facebook so that we can stay in touch and share what we are doing. Then the friend told me "Bye and stay intelligent". It is nice to have phone calls like that. In a busy day, with so much going on, bad economy, lots of snow, very cold weather, hot gossips, elbow pushes...it is so soothing to hear that someone cares about you, that someone wants to know what are you eating (that's what you write on Facebook, right?!), that someone thinks you are intelligent and should stay like that.
It reminded me this song that I always loved. Is in Albanian and my mom always was puzzled on why do I like it. Well, here mom, on days like that, I like this song.
Thanks for calling :)

Nuk kerkoj tjeter njeri
(Elton Deda)

Kam kohe pa e pare,nuk di ku do jete,
at vjeshte te brishte dhe zerin e saj si kristal...
mes zerave te dimrit, mundohem ti flas

as vet nuk e di, pse lodhem ta gjej,
ende ndjej, ndonese ka shume akull mes nesh. kjo vjeshte e heshtur, dimrin se fsheh.

se dielli ndricon prape dhe shiu pushon,
nuk di zemra e saj,nga dhimbja renkon,
gjithshka do ta falja qe hapat e saj,te trokisnin prape te une(te une)
ende syte e tu,kane ca lote te pathare
si fshin dot e dashur,ndonse jemi larg...
dhe kurre mos mendo,vetem,sje ne kte bote
sepse ti ke nje njeri...qe te do

as vete nuk e di,pse lodhem ta gjej
ende ndjej,ndonese ka shum akull mes nesh
kjo vjesht e heshtur,dimrin se fsheh...


ne zemren time,dimri dhe vjeshta me thone per ty
jo mos kerko tjeter njeri

se dielli ndricon prap dhe shiu pushon
nuk di zemra e saj,nga dhimbja renkon
dhe kurr mos mendo,vetem,sje ne kte bote
sepse ti ke nje njeri...qe te do

Not looking for someone else
(Elton Deda)

Long time I haven't seen her,
don't know where she is
that fragile Fall and her crystal voice
within Winter voices, to her I'm trying
to talk
I just don't know why, I try to find her
still feel, even tho' there is
lots of ice between us
this silent Fall, can't hide the Winter
The Sun will shine again and the rain will stop,
don't know if her heart still suffers from the pain,
I would give everything so her steps would knock
at my door again
There are still tears in your eyes
and baby you can't wipe them,
even when we are far apart...
but never think you are alone in this World
because there is someone out there that loves you

I just don't know why, I try to find her
still feel, even tho' there is
lost of ice between us
this silent Fall, can't hide the Winter


Deep in my heart, Winter and Fall tell me
not to look for someone else anymore

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