1. signing a confidentiality agreement with royal family
2. signing a prenuptial agreement
3.planning the wedding (booking location, inviting important people from around the world, having 3 wedding dresses as back-up till last minute, have an 8 tier cake, have air force flying over, and so many more of these)
4. give to England a day off
..and the TVs and radios all around the World say how much in love they are, what a real Cinderella story this is and how romantic their story is.
I guess marrying someone that comes with a prefix "Prince" is not just nice, it comes with a price, the Prince Price. Kate is getting into a relationship where she is presented as lesser level than her husband, and she actually signed that she agrees and accepts that. Is she really so much in love with him that she would do anything he asks for, or is she signing up her first step in personal career advancement? Did you see their kiss at the balcony? A rehersed kiss. She kissed him and then turned the head to the crowd. While he lingered his eyes for a little longer on her face. He looked at her. She looked at the crowd. When his parents kissed at the balcony, his mom was the one looking at his father. Is maybe this wedding the one that will revenge for Diana? Instead of the new girl feeling out of the place in the royal palace, will be the prince that will follow the new girl around. Maybe this is the modern love they are trying to bring in the traditional royalty.
Maybe they will be happy together till death do them apart but I do not think this is love. This is business. The new prince got a contract with a pretty girl that is behaving well around and is keeping her mouth shut about his family. The pretty girl got married with the Prince, she just has to play along nicely.

Love the little flower girl that is covering her ears from the noise!