Well, I will maybe give too much personal data here but I feel I have to in order to make my point. Every month, just like every other woman, I have to go through some "so" proclaimed "natural pain" that was given to us because some woman decided to bite an apple! Rather than the pain that men might assume, mine is focused on my head. I have huge headaches before and after. It is all explained scientifically based on the change of the level of hormones and their chemical effect to nerves. The pain never fails to be wrong, it is my "alarm" clock.
Last month, I felt very stressed. Work related and personal. Too much to do, too much attention on how to say what to say. The sleep did get hurt too and that affects the mood. So in short, I am happy all that is now over. But what I noticed was, the alarm clock didn't go off! Because of the stress and the muscle spasm, I might have taken here and there an Advil (it is always in my purse, like kids keep lollipops). Without taking too much care of my internal clock, I kept moving and working and do all the routine required. I kept moving like a robot until all was done. And then, without any warning, the natural cycle started and this time, with headache.

Darn stress! Is not enough that messes up with my sleep, my way of responding to others, my neck freeze, my beauty, my attention to details...it also messes up with my hormones...and Wins!! How can I train my hormones to be stronger and do what they have to do without being affected from external dependencies? It sounds like a man askign for his spermatozoids to be trained to go fast and "bulls eye" but to my point, hormones should be on our side, not against us! If stress can overcome hormones, then why do hormones overcome the rest? It is like rock-paper-scizors but paper always loosing! There seems to be no point on resting because it will not bring you any strength, it will just strengthen your hormones. But then, when stress arrives, hormones bent over.
In short, stress is bad, hormones are hores (maybe that's why the name!) and rest is the little guy that needs help and protection. Fight for your rest!
Hormones vs Human: "Do you wanna play rock-paper-scissors?" I never thought that way but it's just the way i feel! C'mon...
hahaha...maybe I was under the effect of hormones when I wrote this!
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