I assume that that sign is addressed, 99% of cases to women.
I still have to meet a girl that doesn't argue, discuss, raises voice, fights and sometimes even hates her mom.
We start doing this since we are young. Mom's are always the ones that tell girls what to do, at what time, how to do it properly, how not to forget to do it..properly, and all over again, the same thing everyday. Moms are the ones that drive us nuts, sometimes setting us up to extremes like "I know that is the right thing to do but I will not do it just because my mom told me to". Moms are the ones that make our lives a hell during teenage years. Then we start ignoring them and try to go as far away from them as we can. We always need them, we want to know they are there, because we know that, when shit happens, they will help. They will help and talk to us about it, tell us how not to be in that situation again, how we are not thinking things through, how we are not being careful..up to the point that we will regret that we asked for their help. But then we will forget. Moms are always there, like that medication that we know it is bad and tastes like hell, but it is good for us.
And then we become moms. And we do the same to our daughters. Without knowing, we start telling them how to do things right, how to take care of their room, how to listen, how to do homework on time, how to wear things we think are the right clothes to wear, and so on.
I think the war between moms and daughters is one of the most powerful engines of the humanity. Because we are angry with our moms, we rage, we explode, we make changes, and we try new paths. Because our daughters are angry with us, they will find ways to prove us wrong, they will get closer to dads and learn the men side of things, they will take from us only things that we do not force to them, they will chose to do the opposite of what we want, they will chose to drive us nuts.
Women, all their lives, argue with their moms and their daughters. This is how we evolve. This is how we love and hate. This is how we try to become someone else, better. This is how we fight the fear that we will become our mom when we grow up.
So, reading that sign tonight, made me think that a women will probably go and have an abortion, just because someone is telling her that her mom didn't!
Choose your messages right please!!

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