This will be a post that will grow as I find more things to add to it. I don't want to post a lot of little things since tweeting is not my thing.
1. If you want to work from a library, don't go to one that makes you pay for parking. I was thinking that the main library of the city would be the best. The problem is that you have to pay for parking. The other problem is that, a lot of moms with little children decide to "educate" their kids by bringing them to library. So, it is costly and it is noisy by kids crying. Rather, I found this amazing new library that was just renovated last year. It is located close to the lake and right beside a small park by the river. The inside is really modern with orange and white chairs. The parking is free for 3 hours (fine, I have to take a break after 3 hours anyway) and there are not many moms that come here with children. The ladies that work here do not care to keep the voice low, but at least is not a crying noise that they make. Love to sit by the window walls, lots of light, look at the park and river outside and type away emails to companies and recruiters!
2. Lots of recruiters meet people on coffee shops now.Weird! On my first day out of work, I thought I would take my laptop, go to a Starbucks, have a coffee and a job search. It was hard to find a place to sit because 30 other people had the same idea as me. I couldn't stop overhearing a recruiter and another guy sitting at the table beside me. The guy was applying for a construction engineering position and the recruiter seemed like a very mature engineer. I mostly met my recruiters on their offices but I met one at a coffee shop. I know why. She didn't have an office yet, just started her business. One day, I was in the same situation at a Second cup, where I could hear the 2 recruiters drilling down a candidate with questions. Some where regarding profession some where more into hunting for more people from his company that would be interested to move on to other jobs. I was testing myself on shameless skills. At this point, shame is the worst thing I should have, when searching for job. So when I noticed their meeting was done and they were leaving, I pushed the courage side of myself to jump from the couch I was sitting and asked one of the recruiters to give me his business card. He felt flattered and handed me his last card. Probably thinking I would call him right away. I didn't , because I didn't like him and I thought he might think I was attracted to him (NOT!). But it was a good test to myself.
3. There are some slow days. When I haven't scheduled any meeting with recruiters or companies. There is nothing to follow up, except apply on some positions posted on popular websites. And after all the new openings are checked, some applications are done, nobody has written or called back, AND it is lunch time, feels like another day is wasted. So what to do? Well, first go have lunch. It is good to keep feeding your body with nutritious food or you might get sick (and sick is the last thing you want to be when hunting for job). So go and get something you like, not greasy to put you to sleep, not too much sugar to mess up your energy and not in a smelly-dirty place where you do not like to stay longer than 5 minutes. When this is done and still no new emails or phone calls, it is time to go back to school. Yup, self-school. There is a lot of things to read out there that will help professionally. If there is an objective like a certificate or an exam to take, then that should be the push, the energy you need to make it happen. So use all your afternoon on reading, digging more on that test and maybe book a date for it so the resistance to justify your lazy ass will be futile. I am still working on this on practice, although I am totally in agreement with the theory.
4. Disconnect from email for 2-3 hours. The opportunity will not go away, if it is looking for you, will call your cell phone! Darn the technology sometimes. The books I have to read for the exam I want to take, are digital, which means I read them on my lap-top. This gives me the chance to keep my email window open and every once in a while to look if there is a new email. Guess what, I am not really reading the books, because of the distraction! Close that darn email for a bit and read-really read for 2-3 hours.
5. Libraries are educational places for mentally or physically challenged people (I think I am politically correct putting it like this!). You would think that these people would need more medical or physical attention and activities, but I see them all the time here at the library. Some of them remind me Rain Man (Dustin Hoffman) but some seem to come here just to look outside the window. Usually they are accompanied by someone in full capability of operating around them and with normal people. The problem with that is that sometimes they engage in discussions that are lame and annoying for me that want to focus on reading something (and understanding what I am reading). Then, there are some normal looking people that can't read in their heads. Nope! They have to read loud enough to create an annoying-constant-low-white noise that feels like a fridge buzzing (Karma Police - arrest this men/ he speaks in math/ he buzzes like a fridge.... Love this song!)
6. Horoscopes. Zodiak or Chinese. They become part of your daily job search routine. Just like you go everyday to the job engines and look for new positions, you also go and read your horoscope on a couple of websites. And then you find that all this is happening because Mars was in retrograde. Remember back in November when things started going wrong 360 degrees around me? That's when Mars apparently went in retrograde and finally now is turning on me and I am supposed to expect some good changes. Darn that Mars retrograde!! But on the same page, Pluto is going on retrograde now for me so it is not all easy-peasy yet. With the new moon things might look brighter ..... and this is how you might waste 1 hour from your day, just trying to find who to blame up there. Who is that darn planet that turned the back on me and is making my life lately so miserable and everything I do so hard and complicated. Maybe it feels good after all to know that was all because of Mars and nothing I did wrong.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Don't cry on the mirror
When I gave birth to my daughter, just when I arrived home from hospital, a friend of mine called. She heard about the baby and called to congratulate. She was mother of 2 at that time, so she had a lot to tell me. And during the conversation, between two girl friends, we were talking about the birth, the pain and ultimately, how much our vagina is open to get the baby out, and, ultimately, how the doctors try to tell you ate the end how many stitches they used to "repair" the damage. She said : Don't see yourself until you are healed and you don't have any pain. I made the mistake to see myself with a mirror and I regret it. It was black, like someone had punch me hard, many times. I still have nightmares if I think of it.
For some reasons, this just stayed in my head and I resisted the temptation to use a mirror and see myself. But, every time I hear of someone just giving birth, I remember this conversation.
Lately, I have a desire to cry. Is more of a necessity than just desire. It is my way of getting out all the anger, the suspense, the fight with the unknown, the need for hope and other related feelings. Usually, I do not cry. I keep strong, I ignore cry and I focus on what must be done. But then I reach a point when there is too much inside me and I have to cry. If I can't get a good cry by all the things around me, I just find a movie to watch. Movies make me cry, I admit it. Stories where people love each-other, where people sacrifice for each-other, where kids get their dreams come true, where sickness is healed, where death is something that connects people more, where humanity gets to use their hearts. Yes, I cry. And that would be just the right thing to get me crying. I would go somewhere where nobody can see me and cry until I feel good.
Yesterday, I was crying in the washroom and then I wanted to wash my face. I caught myself crying in the mirror. It was horrible. I wish I didn't. Not just seeing my face all swollen up and my eyes red. It was the idea that I saw myself "down". I saw myself lost, without hope, I felt like failure and not able. Reminded me the vagina story.
I think this would be my nightmare.
P.S. Don't worry, I'm not gonna cut my wrist!!!
For some reasons, this just stayed in my head and I resisted the temptation to use a mirror and see myself. But, every time I hear of someone just giving birth, I remember this conversation.
Lately, I have a desire to cry. Is more of a necessity than just desire. It is my way of getting out all the anger, the suspense, the fight with the unknown, the need for hope and other related feelings. Usually, I do not cry. I keep strong, I ignore cry and I focus on what must be done. But then I reach a point when there is too much inside me and I have to cry. If I can't get a good cry by all the things around me, I just find a movie to watch. Movies make me cry, I admit it. Stories where people love each-other, where people sacrifice for each-other, where kids get their dreams come true, where sickness is healed, where death is something that connects people more, where humanity gets to use their hearts. Yes, I cry. And that would be just the right thing to get me crying. I would go somewhere where nobody can see me and cry until I feel good.
Yesterday, I was crying in the washroom and then I wanted to wash my face. I caught myself crying in the mirror. It was horrible. I wish I didn't. Not just seeing my face all swollen up and my eyes red. It was the idea that I saw myself "down". I saw myself lost, without hope, I felt like failure and not able. Reminded me the vagina story.
I think this would be my nightmare.
P.S. Don't worry, I'm not gonna cut my wrist!!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
March Break in job hunting season
Back to looking for a job. The last place turned out to be a very slave-drive mentality, absolutely no people management skills from anyone. I was planning to stay a little longer and do some self-improvement things like read to take a certificate, give my resume 1 year at one place and so on. But at the end they closed the loop and managed to squeeze a small package. Off course I am pissed off with my manager but at the end, it was probably a favour he made me by letting me out of that place. Everyone around me is telling me that I wasn't happy since I had started there.
So, now I am back into selling myself! What do you do when you want to sell yourself? Prep your resume, go meet recruiters, apply to every possible job you see online that is related to what you are looking, stay positive and happy, and repeat all of this from Monday to Friday. When you are looking for a job, the Friday comes very quickly. You wish people would be working during weekends too. I read somewhere that it is not a good idea to apply on a job or send an email to a recruiter during weekend, because they forget about it when Monday comes and they sit in front of the computer, to respond or follow up. Got some ideas from some of the recruiters. Some are very formal, some are more down to earth, some are un-readable and you have to try to understand what is bothering them while talking with you. Some are young and naive, some are experienced and smooth, some are young and experienced but working under sharks, some are part of teams, some are individuals. After meeting with everyone of them I think "Do they need more clients or more customers?". Clearly, some need more companies that trust them for recruiting. Some might be well plugged but they do not have enough candidates for what they want to fill. And then, there are some recruiters that post "filler jobs". This really pisses me off. These are jobs that request everything I can do, but these are not real jobs. These are jobs to make people apply and so the recruiting company has you on the profile and will check with you when they have something similar from a real company.
On top of all these, I have to do my part as well. Whatever I see posted on job sites, I go for it. I am contacted by recruiters that I have no idea how they found me but they give me right away a job description for a real company and ask me to apply for it if I am interested. Cool!
So on the first 2 weeks, I have left home just like I was going to work and been out to meet people, library, searching online or reading books. One of the reasons to make me do this is the fact that my parents are here with me right now. I have a lot to take care on my own, I really do not want my mom to hear that I am not working right now and make things even more stressful and un-bearable to be at home. I just can't handle more tragedy and her sense of extreme negativity on me. She loves me, I never doubt that, but she is just my opposite in personality and optimism in life.
Everyone tells me that I should take some time off and enjoy myself before start looking for a job. I knew March break was ahead so I thought that might be the time to take some time off. Of course can't really take a lot of time off and go somewhere since I am constantly on emails or phone with people, but I can do things around the house. The weather has been just gorgeous, like it was ordered for this week. One day went to a park, walked a lot in the middle of trees. Glad we didn't face a bear, not many people around to help... somehow... because in front of a bear, everyone would try to figure out a way to save themselves.
One day we went to Bata Museum of Shoes. Now, I know it sounds like I am taking my daughter and teach here the ropes with shoes and shopping. It is not like that at all. It was quite nice and they had a lot of activities for kids. We ended up enjoying some of the arts and crafts tables they had prepare in different pavilions of the museum. What made my run out, was that they had put there Justin Bieber's shoes.. right beside Elvis Priestly's and John Lennon shoes!!!
A couple of days left from March break but I am enjoying it. I wish I knew a job was waiting for me right after this, I would enjoy it even more.
Well, stay tuned! And enjoy the summer! First day of summer today, 3.14 (pi) day was good.
So, now I am back into selling myself! What do you do when you want to sell yourself? Prep your resume, go meet recruiters, apply to every possible job you see online that is related to what you are looking, stay positive and happy, and repeat all of this from Monday to Friday. When you are looking for a job, the Friday comes very quickly. You wish people would be working during weekends too. I read somewhere that it is not a good idea to apply on a job or send an email to a recruiter during weekend, because they forget about it when Monday comes and they sit in front of the computer, to respond or follow up. Got some ideas from some of the recruiters. Some are very formal, some are more down to earth, some are un-readable and you have to try to understand what is bothering them while talking with you. Some are young and naive, some are experienced and smooth, some are young and experienced but working under sharks, some are part of teams, some are individuals. After meeting with everyone of them I think "Do they need more clients or more customers?". Clearly, some need more companies that trust them for recruiting. Some might be well plugged but they do not have enough candidates for what they want to fill. And then, there are some recruiters that post "filler jobs". This really pisses me off. These are jobs that request everything I can do, but these are not real jobs. These are jobs to make people apply and so the recruiting company has you on the profile and will check with you when they have something similar from a real company.
On top of all these, I have to do my part as well. Whatever I see posted on job sites, I go for it. I am contacted by recruiters that I have no idea how they found me but they give me right away a job description for a real company and ask me to apply for it if I am interested. Cool!
So on the first 2 weeks, I have left home just like I was going to work and been out to meet people, library, searching online or reading books. One of the reasons to make me do this is the fact that my parents are here with me right now. I have a lot to take care on my own, I really do not want my mom to hear that I am not working right now and make things even more stressful and un-bearable to be at home. I just can't handle more tragedy and her sense of extreme negativity on me. She loves me, I never doubt that, but she is just my opposite in personality and optimism in life.
Everyone tells me that I should take some time off and enjoy myself before start looking for a job. I knew March break was ahead so I thought that might be the time to take some time off. Of course can't really take a lot of time off and go somewhere since I am constantly on emails or phone with people, but I can do things around the house. The weather has been just gorgeous, like it was ordered for this week. One day went to a park, walked a lot in the middle of trees. Glad we didn't face a bear, not many people around to help... somehow... because in front of a bear, everyone would try to figure out a way to save themselves.
One day we went to Bata Museum of Shoes. Now, I know it sounds like I am taking my daughter and teach here the ropes with shoes and shopping. It is not like that at all. It was quite nice and they had a lot of activities for kids. We ended up enjoying some of the arts and crafts tables they had prepare in different pavilions of the museum. What made my run out, was that they had put there Justin Bieber's shoes.. right beside Elvis Priestly's and John Lennon shoes!!!
A couple of days left from March break but I am enjoying it. I wish I knew a job was waiting for me right after this, I would enjoy it even more.
Well, stay tuned! And enjoy the summer! First day of summer today, 3.14 (pi) day was good.
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