John starts a new job in a huge supermarket where you could find anything under the Sun. The manager takes him a side and explains to him that in order to succeed in this position, he had to be prepared to take the customer's attention and although the customer might be there to buy something small, you have to make him buy more and bigger. Let's see how you do today and if things go fine, you will be hired full time.
At the end of the day, all the sales assistants get together to see how they did. The first one had 11 customers and made 30000 Euros income, the second one had 9 clients for 20000 Euros and so on and so on. What about you- the manager asks John. I had 1 customer and I made 350000 Euros - he says. How come -asks the manager.
Well- says John- this guy wanted fishing hook to go fishing in the lake. I sais: Look, the fish in the sea tastes better so you might want to go there. But to get there, you need a boat. To get the boat to the sea, you need a truck. And so he bought them all.
The manager, very existed, turns and tells to the others: Look what a great example, he came for a fishing hook and bought a truck!!
Actually - says Johh - he came to buy Tampax for his wife and I said:
Since you are not doing much next week, why don't you go fishing?!
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