So, most of the people that read my blog are my friends and they all know that I'm Albanian. Albania is a small country in Europe that sometime before the end of the 14-th century used to be bigger and had as part of it what is called now Kosovo. After a long time of Kosovo being under Serbs, people of Kosovo being abused, de-rooted, genocide and killed in masses, finally Kosovo has declared independence. They finally have some "big" guys to protect them while they watch their biggest dream for centuries coming true. These people are raised to hate Serbs, are grown up to be Albanian and never mix their language with Serbian, to be proud of their history and never forget who they really are. If they didn't have the big guys, Serbs would have killed them in cold blood and make sure that everyone around gets a different version of the real story, same as they did 10 years ago when they killed 10 thousand of them but never mention this on their protests against the "big guys" that are protecting Kosovo now.
It is amazing to see how other countries interest's are touched by this. Canada is scared that Quebec will do the same too. I understand Russia's and China's fear. They are like Serbs, rather kill the people than leave them free in their own old countries. But Canada and Quebec??? People in Kosovo have been KILLED from Serbs. People in Quebec have better life than the rest of Canada, they pay much less for their day-cares, schools, housing, etc. How in Earth can you compare these countries, their issues and their need for independence? Just 10 years ago, Serbs killed kids in the womb, cut nipples of pregnant women so they would not be able to breastfeed the children, executed in row dozens of men just like Hitler did with Jews 50 years before. But on the Serbs schools, Serb kids learn that NATO came and forced the Serbs out of Kosovo 10 years ago and they are the enemy. Just like in centuries, Serbs are following their way of dealing with the history facts : " Lie, lie and lie some more and people will forget what is the truth and will believe the lies!!"
Now I do not like Mr. President I think he is pretty dumb, but I have to shake his hand on what he did here and say "Thank you!". I am very happy about this independence. I don't think that Kosovo and Albania will ever get together and make the big Albania like it used to be 500 years ago. We are like twins raised in different families, brothers but not best bodies to hang out. Still, I'm happy they are free now and wish them a long free run. Just one thing ..... hmmm.. i don't really like their new flag :(

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