So, in a nutshell, now that he is dead, everyone agrees that he is the greatest pop song maker-singer-dancer-video_maker-concert_coreographer, of the last 50 years.
He was 50, would have been 51 in a couple of months. Had a severe heart attack and his doctor is being asked a lot of questions and is put under magnifying glass for all his actions. Lately the radios were not broadcasting his music often but these last days you hear nothing but his songs. Just a couple of months ago I bought one of his Best Hits CD and my husband said "Why do you support that child molester?" I felt sort of weird to listen his CD so i kept the windows of my car up when listen and sang along. Just like everyone, I can't deny his wonderful music, the revolution he brought to music, music videos and dance. He was a real artist, original, multi-dimensinal and progressive. Do I think he was a child molester? Not really. I think he was a big child grown on a man's body. He didn't have a proper childhood. His most comfortable place was stage, singing and dancing.He was raised with lots of money that he never new what it meant not to be able to have something he liked. He was the real Peter Pan, that even thought the years go by, he keeps staing a little boy in the heart and mind. So if he really had little boys in his bedroom, if he really played with little boys in his house, I think he played just like a 12 years old boy would play when his friends are over at his place. All those mothers behind thouse court cases, are now rich and they do not feel guilty to have left their little boys in his bedroom.
I will miss his un-made music. I really wanted him to come back with a smash hit album and show the middle finger to all those people that talked bad about him but would go and download his music becasue they would be embarrased to go and buy the CD at the store. I so wanted to hear more from him, now, at my age. All I remember is his music when I was a teenager. Now I would have gone to a live concert and sing along with him. Would have been awsome, just like all his live concerts. I so wanted to hear new music that would have showd to Beyonce and Britney Spears how the real music is done without shaking the butt and showing the boobs. So, I will miss him.
Everyone will come up with a new version of his songs just like Chris Cornell, Fall Out boys, Akon, etc.
What does a guy have to do to be celebrated for his talent? He must DIE! And if he hadn't gone on those courts, he would have been buried like Elvis Presley, in tears and in pure desperation.
Rest in Peace wherever you are having dinner tonight!

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