Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Italian trip

My aunt lives in Milano and I had made plans to spent 3 days there and shop till I drop. When I talked with her son to plan my trip there, he told me that as a surprise, he had booked a hotel in the middle of the mountains in the border with Austria.
I kept my hopes open thinking that there might be a city close to the hotel where I could go and spent time shopping. But in reality, my cousins picked us up from the airport, drove for 3 hours, about 30 minutes was around a mountain and the car was not happy at all getting there. We went 1732 Km up the sea level, there was no cell phone reception, the house were we stayed was wired using a solar panel, the lake was gorgeous but cold.

There were maybe about 50 people there all together but my cousins said "Even less would have been better". For three days i was trapped there, did a little bit of Sun bath , some rumors about the cousins that were not there, small talk about our personal lives, ate a lot good food and rested.

After leaving that place, went to Milano taking the out-ring to avoid the traffic, had a shower and lunch at my aunt, visted my uncle for 30 minutes and left to catch the plain for Paris.
Was nice to see my aunt. Last time I was in Milano I had no intention to shop, I just visited around the mandatory places to go when you are there. This time I had full intention to shop but just didn't work. Still, Milano is not a place I would like to live so no surprises there.
In this small little trip I did see one car like mine in Italy!
Off course, even on top of the mountains, in the middle of nowhere, if you are in Italy, Ave Maria is with you. Here is the picture of a little church 1732 Km above sea level.

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