Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Todler humor

Real story 1
My daughter now has all under control. We go to the store, pick up what we want, mom pays somehow and we bring things home. So one day she was looking at the ceiling fan.
L- Mommy what is that?
M- A fan, makes it cooler when it's hot.
L- Did grandma buy that?
M- No, actually was there when we bought the house.
L- Mommy, did you buy the house?
M- Yes.
L- Mommy, was the house heavy?

Real story 2
My brother had a small ice cream for my daughter.
B- If you want this ice cream, you have to kiss me
L- (Giggling) Why?
B- This is how I make the girls kiss me, I give them ice cream.
She went, kissed him, took the ice cream, started eating it and...
L- So mommy, when we want the guys to kiss us, we give them lollipops, right?

Real story 3
One night, I found a piece of old bread in her room. The closest place to through it was the toilet and that's what I did, but didn't flush. Next morning, she wakes up and goes to pee-pee. Right after she comes all excited and wakes me up
L- Mommy, mommy... come and see this
M- (Still eyes closed) What is it?
L- There is bread coming out of my bum!!

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